Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Why Do Some Make It In Passport To Wealth and Others Don't?

I get questioned a lot about guarantees when it comes to starting an Internet Business? Can you guarantee that I will make money online? Can you you guarantee that I will be successful? I am not a fortune teller, and can I guarantee that you will build your Internet Business to success. No? Why is it that some think when they start an Internet Business that success is imminent. Many of my Passport To Wealth members have gone on to make life altering incomes, some came just to earn extra money online , and others ended up replacing two household incomes. Then there is a portion of people who never made one dime. But the reason is very clear.

So how come some went on to make money online fast, and others failed. It was very clear why some failed. They didn't take the training. There was always an excuse as to why they couldn't attend the one on one mentoring, why they didn't go through the back office, and why they didn't come to the live trainings? Are you ready for the biggest reason people fail online? They never follow through on one plan, they never execute the training, and then are very quick to blame someone else, or something else in life. Sometimes excuses, and placing blame is much easier then realizing the under lying cause for failure is themselves.

Years ago the failure rate couldn't be blamed so much on the person as how business were being built. Internet Business have been formulating models to give people a higher success rate. Years ago the most common reason for failure was:

1.) Advertising Budget - Some didn't have the advertising budget to get their website built.

2.) Website Development - In order to have a profit pulling website they had to go pay for that service

3.) Talking to Prospects - Closing sales is a skill that you aren't born with. You have to learn and acquire those skills. years ago people had to be a sales expert to master an Internet Business.

These are no longer the cases. The most profit pulling advertising is free marketing strategies. Website Development within our Passport to Wealth team we have a web designer expert who creates you a page for free. Talking to prospects, I know many people hate that. We have expert closers and sales representatives who close you sales for free.

If you were to go start a coffee shop in the most populated area of the heaviest coffee drinkers in America, do you think your success is guaranteed. No! What is going to make people come into your shop? What is your competition? And how good is your coffee? What about the service? There is a lot you still have to learn in any business.

If you do not learn how to capture you audience and offer them a reason to purchase from you, then you won't make money online. Bottom line, no BS the only way to guarantee your success with Passport To Wealth is you. If you don't have the right training and mentoring your odds of failure is high. But if you receive the right mentoring and training, it is up to you to execute the steps you have learned. If you take the training and if you follow the steps then I can guarantee your success. Its then and only then.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Work At Home Job Or Work From Home Based Business The TruthFul Break Down

We are seeing more and more people coming to the Internet to make money online. They may start looking for a work at home job maybe some data entry, stuffing envelopes, or putting crafts together. Anyone can do this right? Of course you can do it but you will find find that there are a lot of work at home scams. It contributes to why more and more people are bypassing the work at home jobs, and starting a legitimate work from home based business. And yes, their is a difference, A big difference which you are about to discover.

So many people are falling for the ad that says you can make lots of money working from the comfort of your home, typing ads, doing crafts, or the ever popular medical transcriptionist. Sounds great doesn't it. Well the fact is that most of these common pitfalls are just not factual. People fall prey to sending money in for a list of available jobs or paying for a class to be a medical transcritptions only to discover their are NO jobs, or a calling for that postion in the work place.

However, once researching the different ways to make money online, many are discovering that work at home based business as an popular and profitable alternative. Compared to a job where a company hires you for your expertise, an Internet Business always you to maintain your own business to make money online. If you do a Google search on the Internet you will find websites selling a product or service. Many are just Internet Based. More and more people are shopping online. Years ago people specatlated that many could discover there Passport To Wealth by having a website and product or service. We have now come to that time.

Whether you are looking to earn extra money online, or you want to make a full time living online starting your own Internet Business is becoming a popular and profitable choice for many. However, this will be your business, and while their are huge tax benefits, and the luxury of setting your own hours, there is going to be work and dedication to getting your Internet Business running. Don't come into any job, or business without understanding that there is work involved. I know the ads say make money online easy, watch the computer make you money. Wish I could tell you that is the truth, but it just is not. We live in modern times but when it comes to earning moeny online, its still down to the basics...work.

Whether some started for a work from home job, many find the benefits of running an online business a more profitable choice. When setting out to create your own Passport To Wealth discover which choice is better for you. There are many opportunities that will give you a solution, and fit your needs.
You choose which one is better and come to you own conclusion.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Passport To Wealth The Preview Of Web 2.0

Web 2.0, has been noted in the marketing world as the cure all and be all of Internet Business. This has truths and some misconceptions. Web 2.0 is powerful, and has the capabilities to have you earn money online fast and powerfully, however if you don't use it right it doesn't mean anything. Its funny people like web 2.0, it rolls off their tongue like they are revealing some secret formula that is so scientific they can't possibly explain to you what it means. Yes, web 2.0 has created a Passport To Wealth for many. It will continue to create strong Internet Business, and web 3.0 will bring in another level of marketing that no other industry can but again you still have to know how to do it to make money online with Internet.

Web 2.0 is a fancy marketing name, or is their foundation? There is a huge foundation, in comes the education and training needed to make web 2.0 work and work effectively. Regardless if you are looking to earn extra money online, or you are looking to become a five to six figure per month income earner, web 2.0 works for each category. Now instead of guessing how web 2.0 works Passport To Wealth 2.0 addition is coming to the Internet.

Passport To Wealth's top Mentoring team Mentors 4 u is now bringing a whole new virtual reality site, and web 2.0 user compatible site with the ground breaking launch of the business. Its not only the new interaction that networkers are looking for but also they are going to need the one on one training and mentoring to go with it. My self and Stephanie Sammour are noted for being the top mentoring team not only for Passport To Wealth but for My Internet Business. We are going to be adding special features that will enable more people to earn money online, with beginner, intermediate, and advanced web 2.0 classes.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Passport To Wealth Traffic Secrets

One of the most effective forms of getting traffic to your website, has been search engine optimization. For several years, I have trained my Passport To Wealth, and My Internet Business members the importance of understanding and ranking high with this free online marketing strategy. SEO has remained the top marketing strategy since the beginning of Internet Marketing.

When I train my Passport To Wealth members on how to grow their Internet Business with free online marketing strategies, it has to be made clear that getting your website ranked high in the search engines takes time. While the benefits of ranking high with your website will pay you, it is also important to understand that it will take some time to implement these strategies. In addition it takes some work.

Recently I have started to train My Internet Business members, and Passport To Wealth Members how to utilize video marketing. Video marketing has the same dynamic benefits that Search engine optimization does only through the dynamics of videos.

Videos in comparison do not take as long to get on the top of the search engines. Google and other search engines are becoming smarter to how video marketing works. In a timely manner they can spider your video and have it ranking high in the search engines.

In the last three years, Internet Marketers are profiting from the power of video. Using free online marketing strategies to getting their videos ranked high on the search engines

Due to the amount of money being made by using video, we are making this now one of our first trainings to new members of Passport To Wealth. Learning how to get their videos ranked high under keywords in the search engine will bring in a passive income over a long period of time.

Lets not forget the importance of search engine optimization, but lets use the two marketing strategies to allow members to continuously make money online, using free online marketing strategies. So get ready, get set, shoot your video and profit.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Passport To Wealth Who Is Discovering The Truth

Who would have thought that the Internet would evolve to where it is today. Don’t get me wrong we knew that the Internet was going to be a mass resource for us. And I knew that being able to make money online was going to be something that us stay at home moms and stay at home dads would gravitate to. What I didn’t realize until I joined Passport To Wealth that there was going to be many more people that were going to be drawn to the Internet due to the executive style income it generates.

No longer is the World Wide Web, a place solely for stay at home moms or dads, it is also being used by professionals to start generating even more money. With the economy decline, not just a statement but imminent the net is offering a solution to many that are trying to maintain their lifestyles even while the economy is sliding out of control.

We have seen an immense increase in people coming to Passport To Wealth. Real Estate Brokers, doctors, lawyers, nurses, and even small business owners. So if the economy is so bad why are people starting an Internet Business? Professionals are realizing that while the local bricks and motor business is not making money, the Internet is the one source that maintains stable. When the economy is bad, the Internet still provides a stable resource to make money online. Work from home based business has soared to record highs this year. Contributing to the fact that society needs to start supplementing or replacing their income.

One real estate broker joined Passport To Wealth 5 weeks ago. Ian, had worked in real estate for over 10 years, he established a solid income and lived his life accordingly. He had a beautiful home, with 7 bedrooms four baths, and an outdoor and indoor swimming pool. But Ian had toys to, a beautiful boat that slept 10, a Jaguar, and a Porsche. Looking in he was considered one of the wealthiest families within the community, and he was proud of that title.

What happened, oh common where have you been it was the real estate decline? They lived by the day and enjoyed life to the fullest. However, with the real estate crises his income did a nose dive. Bill collectors were calling, and his world of security and wealth spiraled out of control. Trying to keep his lifestyle the same was something they tried for awhile, but it became crystal clear that more income was need in order to keep their home from slipping into foreclosure.

Many think that the Internet is a solution for people who have no skills, or no option for a job. That is the most absurd thing I have ever heard. From every walk of life people are creating their Passport To Wealth through Internet. If a small business owner is just making things work, they will turn to an online business, to make ends meet. I have trained Doctors and Nurses to build a successful Internet Business. You may be saying why the hell a doctor would want to come to the Internet. They make enough money, our hospital bills prove it. But the time and energy many put in is too much, they long for a different way. Nurses it is the same scenario, however nurses not only work tremendous hours but they are not compensated fairly. The sad fact is nursing staffs are cut down a great deal. Nurses are responsible for more yet their wages are not covering their expenses.

With My Internet Business I have seen many people come online looking to make money online. It’s no longer the stay at home mom or dad who needs to earn money; we are seeing every walk of life. The fact is the Internet is just opening the doors to work from home based business, and in the years to come we are going to see more and more people owning an Internet Business. Yes, I started My internet Business and was a stay at home mom, but I have met every walk of life that has been fortunate to create their wealth right from home using their Internet. Are you next?

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Passport To Wealth Top Mentoring Big Changes

Big Changes are coming forth from the top mentoring team of Passport To Wealth. The exciting new Passport To Wealth 2.0 is prompting more advanced mentoring platform to allow better time management and to incorporate the new free online marketing techniques that are being brought forward with the release. Mentors 4 U has been recognized as the top mentoring team for 2 years and a row. And we are shooting for the third with the new updated proposals.

I got asked the other day from a EDC Gold member if I would sell my mentoring services to them. Its not knew I get people from Jaguar Marketing Service, Reverse Funnels System, and Coastal Vacations to name a few. I won't lie I have though of extended our services to more then just Passport To Wealth and My Internet Business members. Its a need service, but I have promised the Mentors 4 U team members that I would continue to give them the upper advantage to our system. And I plan on keeping that promise.

With Passport To Wealth 2.0 and My Internet Business third release coming out it is time to move our training in a new direction. We have always done the live trainings, and one of our newest releases is a calling class. This is designed to help members who are running on auto-pilot have a top Internet guru call their prospects for them. Members of Passport To Wealth and My Internet Business, will bring their prospects to the call and will have a top Internet marketer call them. After being in testing for two weeks. Members sales ratios skyrocketed. The excitement and air of Mentors 4 U team members is sizzling. The reason is obvious, they are getting a top Internet marketer to help them talk to their people. How much better can you get?

These are just a few of the upcoming additions to the team members. I had member say why fix what isn't broken. In business you don't wait for it to break. You consistently build of that and offer the changes and upgrades to your members to stay on top of the market place.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Our Passport To Wealth Online and Offline Advertising Exposed.

Many times people ask me about the earning potential for Passport To Wealth. That always appears to be the big question. What people fail to forget is how they are going to make that money. No its not just with a website, you have to get people there in order to see your website to buy from you.

In building Passport To Wealth, I have learned that their are so many effective forms of advertising. Ranging from free to paid advertising. But I have also discovered some crappy marketing strategies on my path to make money online.

So what is the new person to do. How do they learn how to market and market effectively. Their are some great online marketing strategies, but many forget about offline strategies. And no I am not talking being a door to door salesman. If you like that great go for, but personally I hate that method and would rather go with a more targeted audience.

Online advertising the most advanced target audience marketing you can bring is search engine marketing. When a potential client goes to your website by typing in a keyword. Where is the first place you would go if you were shopping on the Internet. Probably the one of the two search engine icons. Either Google or yahoo. Imagine your customer typing in a very targeted keyword and their is your site. Attracting and explaining why yours is better and why they should buy from you. You get enough of these visitors it won't be long and people will be calling you ready to buy your product or service. This none method alone has made me thousands with Passport To Wealth, and as I teach my members these techniques in turn has made them thousands.

There are more great online advertising strategies. But for length of time I am not going to touch on each aspect. We have in depth weekly trainings for those purposes.

Now offline, it surprises me how many people miss this still solid form of marketing. Have a business card, drop it at a restaurant, on vacation leave it in the room, on a elevator. People pick that up with an attractive slogan and your website. They will keep it. What about newspapers, still effective. The one I love the most is magazine advertising. It is profitable and well worth the investment.

Either way in creating your Passport To Wealth, never narrow your marketing to one source. Make sure that you expand on it. Keep the marketing going on a consistent basis.