Monday, October 13, 2008

Passport To Wealth Traffic Secrets

One of the most effective forms of getting traffic to your website, has been search engine optimization. For several years, I have trained my Passport To Wealth, and My Internet Business members the importance of understanding and ranking high with this free online marketing strategy. SEO has remained the top marketing strategy since the beginning of Internet Marketing.

When I train my Passport To Wealth members on how to grow their Internet Business with free online marketing strategies, it has to be made clear that getting your website ranked high in the search engines takes time. While the benefits of ranking high with your website will pay you, it is also important to understand that it will take some time to implement these strategies. In addition it takes some work.

Recently I have started to train My Internet Business members, and Passport To Wealth Members how to utilize video marketing. Video marketing has the same dynamic benefits that Search engine optimization does only through the dynamics of videos.

Videos in comparison do not take as long to get on the top of the search engines. Google and other search engines are becoming smarter to how video marketing works. In a timely manner they can spider your video and have it ranking high in the search engines.

In the last three years, Internet Marketers are profiting from the power of video. Using free online marketing strategies to getting their videos ranked high on the search engines

Due to the amount of money being made by using video, we are making this now one of our first trainings to new members of Passport To Wealth. Learning how to get their videos ranked high under keywords in the search engine will bring in a passive income over a long period of time.

Lets not forget the importance of search engine optimization, but lets use the two marketing strategies to allow members to continuously make money online, using free online marketing strategies. So get ready, get set, shoot your video and profit.

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