Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Want To Create A Passport To Wealth From Home - When To Quit Your Job.

We are seeing people being laid off from jobs, due to companies down sizing, and cutting expenses. But what happens if you are looking to start a work from home based business, do you quit your job first or do you quit your job as you are building your Passport To Wealth.

Due to the fact that job security is not something many can really consider solid with current times, we are fighting back by working from home. Many come to the Internet for freedom but most are seeking to create a Passport To Wealth. The fact is they fantasize of telling their boss to take this job and shove it. But I must warn you it is better to get your work from home based business built on a solid foundation before you fire that boss.

In training My Internet Business and Passport To Wealth members I usually follow a couple of guidelines that they should follow when they quit their job, and make their full time living from home. You should always have your foundation in and start to see regular sales occurring within a 30 month period.

The biggest misconception when building your work from home based business is that money will be made the first day. I know you see where people say I made thousands and thousands within four hours. Well I am not calling these folks liars, but they had to build their business in order to conquer that goal. For an example for those of us that made thousands within four hours, it is because we had a our list built, meaning people that we could market to. when you are starting an Internet Business you will have to build that up.

If you are serious about firing that boss within your first month you will want to find a mentoring team, or online coach that will help you to build your business quickly. Where you may be educated on your job, coming to internet business there are different strategies to earning money.

Once you start to see you opt - in list build, and a few sales being generated then you may consider firing your boss. But I urge you to keep your desire on your business, it will not be the time to relax and slack of. You will have to put time and effort into building your Internet Business effectively, and efficiently. As now this is your main source of income.

The self gratification of firing my boss, was a huge milestone for me. When I gave my two weeks notice, I remember the shock that registered on their face. This wasn't something I was supposed to do to them. I smile now as I think I will never have to follow someone else's order. I am my own boss, as the way it should be.

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