Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Why Do Some Make It In Passport To Wealth and Others Don't?
So how come some went on to make money online fast, and others failed. It was very clear why some failed. They didn't take the training. There was always an excuse as to why they couldn't attend the one on one mentoring, why they didn't go through the back office, and why they didn't come to the live trainings? Are you ready for the biggest reason people fail online? They never follow through on one plan, they never execute the training, and then are very quick to blame someone else, or something else in life. Sometimes excuses, and placing blame is much easier then realizing the under lying cause for failure is themselves.
Years ago the failure rate couldn't be blamed so much on the person as how business were being built. Internet Business have been formulating models to give people a higher success rate. Years ago the most common reason for failure was:
1.) Advertising Budget - Some didn't have the advertising budget to get their website built.
2.) Website Development - In order to have a profit pulling website they had to go pay for that service
3.) Talking to Prospects - Closing sales is a skill that you aren't born with. You have to learn and acquire those skills. years ago people had to be a sales expert to master an Internet Business.
These are no longer the cases. The most profit pulling advertising is free marketing strategies. Website Development within our Passport to Wealth team we have a web designer expert who creates you a page for free. Talking to prospects, I know many people hate that. We have expert closers and sales representatives who close you sales for free.
If you were to go start a coffee shop in the most populated area of the heaviest coffee drinkers in America, do you think your success is guaranteed. No! What is going to make people come into your shop? What is your competition? And how good is your coffee? What about the service? There is a lot you still have to learn in any business.
If you do not learn how to capture you audience and offer them a reason to purchase from you, then you won't make money online. Bottom line, no BS the only way to guarantee your success with Passport To Wealth is you. If you don't have the right training and mentoring your odds of failure is high. But if you receive the right mentoring and training, it is up to you to execute the steps you have learned. If you take the training and if you follow the steps then I can guarantee your success. Its then and only then.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Work At Home Job Or Work From Home Based Business The TruthFul Break Down
So many people are falling for the ad that says you can make lots of money working from the comfort of your home, typing ads, doing crafts, or the ever popular medical transcriptionist. Sounds great doesn't it. Well the fact is that most of these common pitfalls are just not factual. People fall prey to sending money in for a list of available jobs or paying for a class to be a medical transcritptions only to discover their are NO jobs, or a calling for that postion in the work place.
However, once researching the different ways to make money online, many are discovering that work at home based business as an popular and profitable alternative. Compared to a job where a company hires you for your expertise, an Internet Business always you to maintain your own business to make money online. If you do a Google search on the Internet you will find websites selling a product or service. Many are just Internet Based. More and more people are shopping online. Years ago people specatlated that many could discover there Passport To Wealth by having a website and product or service. We have now come to that time.
Whether you are looking to earn extra money online, or you want to make a full time living online starting your own Internet Business is becoming a popular and profitable choice for many. However, this will be your business, and while their are huge tax benefits, and the luxury of setting your own hours, there is going to be work and dedication to getting your Internet Business running. Don't come into any job, or business without understanding that there is work involved. I know the ads say make money online easy, watch the computer make you money. Wish I could tell you that is the truth, but it just is not. We live in modern times but when it comes to earning moeny online, its still down to the basics...work.
Whether some started for a work from home job, many find the benefits of running an online business a more profitable choice. When setting out to create your own Passport To Wealth discover which choice is better for you. There are many opportunities that will give you a solution, and fit your needs.
You choose which one is better and come to you own conclusion.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Passport To Wealth The Preview Of Web 2.0
Web 2.0 is a fancy marketing name, or is their foundation? There is a huge foundation, in comes the education and training needed to make web 2.0 work and work effectively. Regardless if you are looking to earn extra money online, or you are looking to become a five to six figure per month income earner, web 2.0 works for each category. Now instead of guessing how web 2.0 works Passport To Wealth 2.0 addition is coming to the Internet.
Passport To Wealth's top Mentoring team Mentors 4 u is now bringing a whole new virtual reality site, and web 2.0 user compatible site with the ground breaking launch of the business. Its not only the new interaction that networkers are looking for but also they are going to need the one on one training and mentoring to go with it. My self and Stephanie Sammour are noted for being the top mentoring team not only for Passport To Wealth but for My Internet Business. We are going to be adding special features that will enable more people to earn money online, with beginner, intermediate, and advanced web 2.0 classes.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Passport To Wealth Traffic Secrets
When I train my Passport To Wealth members on how to grow their Internet Business with free online marketing strategies, it has to be made clear that getting your website ranked high in the search engines takes time. While the benefits of ranking high with your website will pay you, it is also important to understand that it will take some time to implement these strategies. In addition it takes some work.
Recently I have started to train My Internet Business members, and Passport To Wealth Members how to utilize video marketing. Video marketing has the same dynamic benefits that Search engine optimization does only through the dynamics of videos.
Videos in comparison do not take as long to get on the top of the search engines. Google and other search engines are becoming smarter to how video marketing works. In a timely manner they can spider your video and have it ranking high in the search engines.
In the last three years, Internet Marketers are profiting from the power of video. Using free online marketing strategies to getting their videos ranked high on the search engines
Due to the amount of money being made by using video, we are making this now one of our first trainings to new members of Passport To Wealth. Learning how to get their videos ranked high under keywords in the search engine will bring in a passive income over a long period of time.
Lets not forget the importance of search engine optimization, but lets use the two marketing strategies to allow members to continuously make money online, using free online marketing strategies. So get ready, get set, shoot your video and profit.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
A Passport To Wealth Who Is Discovering The Truth
No longer is the World Wide Web, a place solely for stay at home moms or dads, it is also being used by professionals to start generating even more money. With the economy decline, not just a statement but imminent the net is offering a solution to many that are trying to maintain their lifestyles even while the economy is sliding out of control.
We have seen an immense increase in people coming to Passport To Wealth. Real Estate Brokers, doctors, lawyers, nurses, and even small business owners. So if the economy is so bad why are people starting an Internet Business? Professionals are realizing that while the local bricks and motor business is not making money, the Internet is the one source that maintains stable. When the economy is bad, the Internet still provides a stable resource to make money online. Work from home based business has soared to record highs this year. Contributing to the fact that society needs to start supplementing or replacing their income.
One real estate broker joined Passport To Wealth 5 weeks ago. Ian, had worked in real estate for over 10 years, he established a solid income and lived his life accordingly. He had a beautiful home, with 7 bedrooms four baths, and an outdoor and indoor swimming pool. But Ian had toys to, a beautiful boat that slept 10, a Jaguar, and a Porsche. Looking in he was considered one of the wealthiest families within the community, and he was proud of that title.
What happened, oh common where have you been it was the real estate decline? They lived by the day and enjoyed life to the fullest. However, with the real estate crises his income did a nose dive. Bill collectors were calling, and his world of security and wealth spiraled out of control. Trying to keep his lifestyle the same was something they tried for awhile, but it became crystal clear that more income was need in order to keep their home from slipping into foreclosure.
Many think that the Internet is a solution for people who have no skills, or no option for a job. That is the most absurd thing I have ever heard. From every walk of life people are creating their Passport To Wealth through Internet. If a small business owner is just making things work, they will turn to an online business, to make ends meet. I have trained Doctors and Nurses to build a successful Internet Business. You may be saying why the hell a doctor would want to come to the Internet. They make enough money, our hospital bills prove it. But the time and energy many put in is too much, they long for a different way. Nurses it is the same scenario, however nurses not only work tremendous hours but they are not compensated fairly. The sad fact is nursing staffs are cut down a great deal. Nurses are responsible for more yet their wages are not covering their expenses.
With My Internet Business I have seen many people come online looking to make money online. It’s no longer the stay at home mom or dad who needs to earn money; we are seeing every walk of life. The fact is the Internet is just opening the doors to work from home based business, and in the years to come we are going to see more and more people owning an Internet Business. Yes, I started My internet Business and was a stay at home mom, but I have met every walk of life that has been fortunate to create their wealth right from home using their Internet. Are you next?
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Passport To Wealth Top Mentoring Big Changes
I got asked the other day from a EDC Gold member if I would sell my mentoring services to them. Its not knew I get people from Jaguar Marketing Service, Reverse Funnels System, and Coastal Vacations to name a few. I won't lie I have though of extended our services to more then just Passport To Wealth and My Internet Business members. Its a need service, but I have promised the Mentors 4 U team members that I would continue to give them the upper advantage to our system. And I plan on keeping that promise.
With Passport To Wealth 2.0 and My Internet Business third release coming out it is time to move our training in a new direction. We have always done the live trainings, and one of our newest releases is a calling class. This is designed to help members who are running on auto-pilot have a top Internet guru call their prospects for them. Members of Passport To Wealth and My Internet Business, will bring their prospects to the call and will have a top Internet marketer call them. After being in testing for two weeks. Members sales ratios skyrocketed. The excitement and air of Mentors 4 U team members is sizzling. The reason is obvious, they are getting a top Internet marketer to help them talk to their people. How much better can you get?
These are just a few of the upcoming additions to the team members. I had member say why fix what isn't broken. In business you don't wait for it to break. You consistently build of that and offer the changes and upgrades to your members to stay on top of the market place.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Our Passport To Wealth Online and Offline Advertising Exposed.
In building Passport To Wealth, I have learned that their are so many effective forms of advertising. Ranging from free to paid advertising. But I have also discovered some crappy marketing strategies on my path to make money online.
So what is the new person to do. How do they learn how to market and market effectively. Their are some great online marketing strategies, but many forget about offline strategies. And no I am not talking being a door to door salesman. If you like that great go for, but personally I hate that method and would rather go with a more targeted audience.
Online advertising the most advanced target audience marketing you can bring is search engine marketing. When a potential client goes to your website by typing in a keyword. Where is the first place you would go if you were shopping on the Internet. Probably the one of the two search engine icons. Either Google or yahoo. Imagine your customer typing in a very targeted keyword and their is your site. Attracting and explaining why yours is better and why they should buy from you. You get enough of these visitors it won't be long and people will be calling you ready to buy your product or service. This none method alone has made me thousands with Passport To Wealth, and as I teach my members these techniques in turn has made them thousands.
There are more great online advertising strategies. But for length of time I am not going to touch on each aspect. We have in depth weekly trainings for those purposes.
Now offline, it surprises me how many people miss this still solid form of marketing. Have a business card, drop it at a restaurant, on vacation leave it in the room, on a elevator. People pick that up with an attractive slogan and your website. They will keep it. What about newspapers, still effective. The one I love the most is magazine advertising. It is profitable and well worth the investment.
Either way in creating your Passport To Wealth, never narrow your marketing to one source. Make sure that you expand on it. Keep the marketing going on a consistent basis.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
What is Passport To Wealth And Who is Mentors 4 u
When I was first introduced to Passport To Wealth, I new the money making opportunity was going to be like non other I experienced. The movie presentation, and with over 75 k in digital products, I understood how this business could have the great potential to earn money online. What I didn't know was how big this would become.
The movie presentation was the biggest seller. My customers saw it and were ready to buy. I went from earning a 1000.00 per week, to less then a month earning $6000.00 per week. Now did Passport To Wealth system do it for me. Well the movie helped, but bottom line was it was all about the marketing strategies. And after testing and retesting some fundamental things. I soon realized that free marketing strategies were the most lucrative.
That is where mentors 4 U came into the picture. I knew how to market and I was making a lot of money, so why not train others to do the same. I was given this gift now it was time to do something with it. So myself and a lady by the name of Stephanie Sammour founded a support team and mentors 4 U was born.
Shortly after we were named the top mentoring team of 2007 which I was so proud of. But even better then that we acheived the highest duplication records in the industry. Meaning our team had the most people that were making executive style income. It all boiled down to giving them the one on one mentoring and training.
So many wonder why I am so sure the right mentoring and online coaching is so critical. I have seen it with my own eyes. People who come into business with no training are more apt to fail. While you get the right training and mentoring those success ratios just sky rocketed.
Now I am not saying that we are the only mentors that can help people acheive online success. We help people with My Internet Business and Passport To Wealth and at this time we do not plan on opening up to the general public. However, if you are thinking of starting an Internet business, I urge you to find that training and mentoring.
Research your mentors, and make sure they are what they say you are. If you find the right online business coaches then your Passport To Wealth is soon to follow
Monday, September 8, 2008
The Truth On Creating A Passport To Wealth!
Can you imagine going to Donald Trumps office for a day? What do you think you would learn? I don't know about you but I would take every minute to learn and educate myself on his entrepreneurial skills. That's really the secret. No I am not saying go to Donald Trumps office, although that would be nice however,I am sure security would send us packing before we could even say our name.
No I am not a stocker. But what I am saying is learning and obtaining the right mentoring is the single and most important factor in creating your Passport To Wealth. I have talked to so many ambitious people that started a work from home based business and failed the first time around, hell maybe their fifth time around. And then joined Mentors 4 U and got the training and mentoring on how to effectively use marketing strategies to succeed. Why did they fail the first time and make money online the second time.
They learned from successful Internet Marketers that already created their wealth. They didn't go and reinvent the wheel or try to figure it out themselves. Rather they took the expertise and knowledge from people that have already created their Passport To Wealth.
Did my success happen overnight. Hell no. I was a stay at home mom, and only thing I knew how to do was send an email. To add an attachment at that point was like decoding some magic. But I learned, I went to training seminars, purchased education classes, tested and retested, and then met a well known Internet Guru who taught me how to make money online. That's where my success began, and that's where my passion began.
Creating the income is not just about the big dollars. You may think I am crazy but it is so true. Okay I get sweet gratification out of my monthly income that I could have only dreamt of in the past. But then it became a passion to teach other the same. That's where it becomes fun to make money online, and watch people's life change before your eyes.
So go get your Passport To Wealth. But help others do the same, and that's where and when you will find true abundance.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Work From Home Based Business Increase As Unemployment Rates Jumps To New High
Years ago, I was afraid to tell people that I had started My Internet Business. I was afraid they would laugh and think I was crazy for shooting for my dreams. Now no one is laughing, as they see how well I have done. It went beyond just wanting to make money online, it became a source to support our family.
In a society where people are not sure what lays ahead tomorrow. The ever increasing oil and gas prices, mortgage foreclosures, and just the incredible increase in cost of living has left many questioning their security.
In creating my Passport To Wealth, I have seen many start an Internet Business, with their house close to foreclosure, and within six months saved their homes and went on to make over six figures per month. I have heard heartbreaking stories where moms just can't afford Christmas, or new sneakers for their kids. This is not the way we should be living.
Years ago people looked at online work from home business opportunities as a dreamers, job. Forever working with no real income. Okay guys come out of your rock. The Internet is no longer something to be scared of rather it is a real, and legitimate way for others to make money online.
Should we be scared of the economy decline, hell yes. Its scary times, and its time for some to consider different methods then the typical 9 - 5 job. It may not be the old way be it is certainly more profitable the new way.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Grab Your Passport To Wealth Now, Life Is To Short For Anything Less.
I heard it on the news. The shock and despair was overwhelming. One of my relatives was killed in an automobile accident. She was returning from work when someone crossed the yellow line, going at excessive speed and hit her head on. She left a family who adored her, a husband, and one three month old daughter. She had a smile for all, and would have never hurt anyone. But in a blink of her eye life was gone. Leaving a three month old that will never remember that soft voice, or the mother that loved her so dearly.
I always went with life is to short philosophy. I guess it never hit home until now. It solidifies that I will shoot for my dreams, I may fall flat on my face but fear will not stop me from my goals. I want today what may not be their tomorrow.
Those were my ideas when I started Passport To Wealth, I wanted more and who knows what tomorrow brings. If I had a chance to full fill my dreams and still be a stay at home mom, then myself and my family were better for it.
So today isn't that of fun, or wealth, or marketing strategies. Today is a day that I reflect on the true meaning of life. The chances, the love, and grabbing every moment and cherishing.
My love goes to my relative, the parents, the daughter and the husband that are so lost. May memories and the love they shared allow them to heal. We never forget, we never stop loving, I just hope they learn to remember with joy and not the sorrow they feel today.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Passport To Wealth 2.0 Secrets
After Darren Gaurdy's, much needed vacation, he is back in the driver seat and moving forward at high speeds that have the Internet World, guessing at the new advancements he will be bringing to the Internet world. As a successful and top trainer and mentor for Passport To Wealth I am confident that once again Darren Gaudry will revolutionize the home based business industry.
No definite date of the release was announced. However I know that nothing will be released unless it is sure to bring the profit pulling benefits that Passport To Wealth has brought. But the expectation is that the upgrades are going to allow more people to come together to make money online. The common goal that Darren has been working to achieve for years.
In receiving success with My Internet Business, their is one thing that I have found to be consistent. And that is to continue to grow with modern times. The fact that Passport To Wealth continues to prosper, and upgrades are being initiated can only mean network marketers are in for a year with huge benefits.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Creating A Passport To Wealth Goes Back To The Old Mentoring Tactics
Their is a battle on the Internet between sponsors and mentors. Let me explain the difference. Sponsors will be marketing correctly have all the tools for success, bring people in by the masses and earn extraordinary dollars but won't show you a damn thing on how to make money online. Thats their job thats it. Then their are mentors, who will market correctly have all the tools for success, earn extraordinary money but share and teach others how to create a Passport To Wealth.
Sponsors idea is the Internet is a mass tool. These people just have to spend some time, researching to discover how to succeed. Well yea, but their is also a bunch of crap that is on the Internet that won't make them a dime. Why waste these people time if you can organize a mentoring and training team that will have them making money online?
Thats where our Passport To Wealth Mentoring team started. And what started as an idea earned us the top mentoring team for 2007. We are proud of that title. Because we have helped so many people to make money online. Taking them out of their day jobs, bringing them home to earn an income they had once only dreamed of.
I built My Internet Business to success, with out a mentor or trainer. But it cost me a lot of money for seminars, meetings, and educational products. But their is a better way. Starting an Internet Business you should find a mentor or mentoring team that will help you. Don't go with a sponsor who will leave you high and dry. Seek the support system that will best support your needs. Find that, follow that and your Passport To Wealth is right around the corner.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Passport To Wealth Turning A New To Passport To Wealth Web 2.0
So why are they changing things up. Any marketer knows the incredible power of web 2.0. If not its time to hit the Internet and start learning about what web 2.0 traffic can start doing for you. Now I know their are skeptics out their that think that web 2.0 isn't a reliable source of traffic, or is a made up terminology. What I say to that is have you tested it, drove it, and profited from it. If the answer is no then you haven't experienced web 2.0.
Due to the founder, Darren Gaudry, test driving, implementing many powerful web 2.0 strategies. He saw the incredible ease that Passport To Wealth could have to help even more people. As we speak the system is being updated to implement, a new business model.
As Darren is responsible for opening business's that are proving to profit, opens tremendous opportunities for the average Internet Marketer. Giving complete novices a new design and marketing in order to allow them to profit.
So why are we re-facing Passport To Wealth, when a business is still booming on the Internet. Bottom line is the Internet is changing and as Darren strives to do is to keep modern technology and advanced services available to its members.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Want To Create A Passport To Wealth From Home - When To Quit Your Job.
Due to the fact that job security is not something many can really consider solid with current times, we are fighting back by working from home. Many come to the Internet for freedom but most are seeking to create a Passport To Wealth. The fact is they fantasize of telling their boss to take this job and shove it. But I must warn you it is better to get your work from home based business built on a solid foundation before you fire that boss.
In training My Internet Business and Passport To Wealth members I usually follow a couple of guidelines that they should follow when they quit their job, and make their full time living from home. You should always have your foundation in and start to see regular sales occurring within a 30 month period.
The biggest misconception when building your work from home based business is that money will be made the first day. I know you see where people say I made thousands and thousands within four hours. Well I am not calling these folks liars, but they had to build their business in order to conquer that goal. For an example for those of us that made thousands within four hours, it is because we had a our list built, meaning people that we could market to. when you are starting an Internet Business you will have to build that up.
If you are serious about firing that boss within your first month you will want to find a mentoring team, or online coach that will help you to build your business quickly. Where you may be educated on your job, coming to internet business there are different strategies to earning money.
Once you start to see you opt - in list build, and a few sales being generated then you may consider firing your boss. But I urge you to keep your desire on your business, it will not be the time to relax and slack of. You will have to put time and effort into building your Internet Business effectively, and efficiently. As now this is your main source of income.
The self gratification of firing my boss, was a huge milestone for me. When I gave my two weeks notice, I remember the shock that registered on their face. This wasn't something I was supposed to do to them. I smile now as I think I will never have to follow someone else's order. I am my own boss, as the way it should be.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Creating A Passport To Wealth Why Would You Pay SEO Firms?
Okay this is a hot topic, much debated, and I may get a bunch of slack for it. But what the hell, its America and I can say what I want to...right? I set on the Internet to create my Passport To Wealth, and was plagued with the same questions most are. How do I get paying customers to my site. I dabbled with buying leads. Discovered quickly paying for leads suck. Tried free classifieds, waste of time. Did traffic exchanges, to much time and not targeted traffic. Now I was faced with what I could do to create targeted traffic to my site.
Soon I discovered the most profit generating technique, no its not Google Ad words. No it wasn't some magic marketing company. It was search engine optimization, and having content take over the Internet. Why did this become my Passport To Wealth, easy after implementing the online marketing strategies to ranking my site high, I made 14,000.00 in the first month. And since then with more content and websites ranking high with high traffic keywords my income per month has continued to sky-rocket.
So I took a strong desire to do SEO training sessions for my members. Some have gone on to make extraordinary money with organic search engine rankings. While others have been just plan lazy and never finished step one. Sorry but some people may think they want to work from home with an Internet business, but the truth of the matter is they don't want to work for their money. Can these people make money. yes, but honestly they are going to have to pay for that advertising compared to those that don't.
So as I conducted the SEO training classes for My Internet Business, I realized that getting those organic search engine rankings wasn't that difficult for people. What scared them the most was some of the scientific terms used by people charging them to do the search engine optimization. They use this language to suggest, you are just not educated enough to tackle the formula for SEO. And that's bull.
I have seen people pay up to $3,000.00 every two months for search engine optimization. Why in your quest for a Passport To Wealth would you pay that when you can do it yourself? Do I think people charging SEO earn it, sure it can be taunting task, however they are never going to put the time and energy in to do it for you. SEO is not something you leave alone its something that needs to be nourished month after month. Who can nourish your baby better then you. See the below You tube Video For An Example of Search Engine Optimization.
Now for those lazy people, that don't want to put the time in. Here is your solution. Pay that SEO firm to get your high ranking. But for others looking to create their Passport To Wealth, learn organic search engine optimization. I think paying someone to teach you how to do it is smarter then having some one do it. With My internet business, I can take these techniques where ever I go and to what ever website I want to implement them in. Doesn't that make more since then continuing to pay a firm to do what you could do for yourself.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Stay At Home Moms Join To Create A Passport To Wealth
Stay at home moms, are now balancing between having to go back to work. With the cost of living increasing dramatically ones who once vowed never to leave their precious darlings are having to reevaluate their life styles. We are seeing a shocking amount of people turning to starting an Internet business to make money for their families. What they didn't expect was to find their Passport To Wealth.
As the economy declines, the home based business industry is exploding. Besides the medical industry, it is one of the only ones that continues to profit and profit big within the economy decline. So we see stay at home moms looking on the Internet to create their Passport To Wealth, and they are doing a great job at it.
Women are making up for more of the populaton to start an internet Business. Not only are they the majority but it is also suggested are some of the top income earners. What might start as extra money soon turns into an annual income they never thought of. Some don't go to the internet creating a Passport To Wealth, only to make extra money. However, it is astonishing the amount of stay at home moms that end up earning five to six figure incomes from home with an Internet Business.
We are seeing some bad ass women in the home based business industry. They come in organizing a home, kids, and family and some how managing a Internet Business is not that difficult.
So the debate may go on, but more and more moms are saying I Got the solution. I create my Passport To Wealth from home, with my kids by my side. Now what can we debate?
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Creating A Passport To Wealth With The Internet Starts With A Website.
It is of course true that if you joined an opportunity, like Passport To Wealth, you probably received a free website, and capture page with the company you represent. Can you make money with this...sure, but you will see more profits if you have your own. Their are many reasons your own website pulls in more sales, branding, uniqueness, and personal style to play a few. But also when their are thousands potentially millions of the same website combing the Internet, many people will just bypass that site because they have seen it before. The eye is funny even if we are not knowledgeable on the subject,it will say I have seen that before, and leave.
While many will pass through that site numerous times, without educating themselves, they stumble across yours. Its lively, great selling power, and brands you. AH ha now we have something. In My Internet business, I tested the free site, to the one I created. It was like Passport to Wealth exploded with a click of the button with the different website. I now had my proof.
Their is another important aspect that has to be considered with every website. Permission Marketing! That form that your potential clients fills out that continues to market for you while your playing with the kids, hey even having a glass of wine. Those are sales letters that are sent diligently while you are doing just about anything you want! These amazing forms have to be implemented in just the right spots, so that you continue to offer sales generating letters. When creating your Passport To Wealth you want to have continued communication with your potential client. The forms and the sales letters are a must, so if your free website doesn't create one, then get one it is so crucial in building your Passport To Wealth.
The first sale is always about the presentation. Having a solid, profit pulling website will assist you. I know people in Passport To Wealth, and My Internet Business who earn thousands just from the power of their website. So..before you set out creating your wealth, make sure that you website is as powerful as it can be. If its not take action now, and make it what you need it to be.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Creating A Passport To Wealth Starts With You
People coming to the Internet looking for a Passport To Wealth, are starting an Internet Business, however a surprisingly large number of them will fail. Sound harsh? Maybe ..but it is do you want the truth or to sugar coat things. I am not going to fill your head with a picture of me sitting on the beach, or with money miraculously falling from the sky. My Internet Business, has provided me with more freedom and money then any 9 - 5 job. But it was not automated, it was not a miracle, and it was not luck. It took work, educating myself, and earning a level of professionalism in the home based business arena.
Creating a Passport To wealth, is not about just owning a home based business. It doesn't happen the minute that you have a website. That's just the foundation of building a successful business. You now have to learn how to market. The first sale comes from the marketing, and every sale there after boils down to marketing. A lot of people just don't understand what marketing is. How this one small word can literally mean success and failure.
So how do you learn how to market. Sure there is a lot of great e books circulating on the Internet. There are experts who have video tutorials, and you can pay 5000.00 or more to have someone show you the way. But the most cost efficient and most logically way to start an Internet Business is to partner with the right mentor at the beginning.
So many times in the industry, I see where people have joined a business with the wrong person. It is under the impression that they can succeed online without being properly trained. Its almost like the business will automatically grow. However, I have those people get the right mentoring and coaching, and start profiting the same week. why is that? Before they didn't learn how to market, and market effectively.
Online business are on the increase. Its becoming a viable solution to combating the economy decline, the mortgage increase, and the gas prices. More and more people are coming to work at home, and finding much more financial security. While yes Internet business offer the highest income potential one can not forget they have to build it once they own it.
So if you are one looking for a Passport To Wealth with an online business, then set yourself up for success first. You want to make sure that you get the best mentoring and training available to you. Research and educate yourself on the coaching and mentoring as much as you do the business you plan on partnering with.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Is An Internet Business Really A "Passport To Wealth"
When I first started My Internet Business, it was viewed as a risk. My family said that a home based business was not something I could truly make money at. Years later...they have eaten their words. I left corporate America, and all I wanted to be was a stay at home mom. Was I terrified, I think terrified puts it mildly. But I took the risk and started my Passport To Wealth, and never looked back. I saw the potential int he direct sales industry over ten years ago. Where others balked at the idea of being able to earn money from home, I celebrated the opportunity. What was once thought of as not a legitimate way to generate a solid income is now becoming a more popular choice.
Job security, their is not any. People who have devoted their lives to their Job, are now being booted like their years of devotion meant nothing. Bottom line sales figures for CEO's are more important then employees devotion. And quite honestly it as to be as the economy is not showing any mercy. But what does that mean for people who are left in the wake of the aftermath? Many are seeing the truth behind home based business. Rather then devoting their time to some one elses business, they are starting an Internet Business.
One might claim a Passport To wealth as a job, or financial security, while others claim it has having control over the direction of their income. That's what the general population is starting to see, that Internet Business are on the rise and everyday people are exceeding an executive income with the power of an Internet Connection and a legitimate home based business.
We are seeing an economic change, but during that change we are also seeing that home business is getting more recognition. As one of the new Passport To wealth members, who was a few months before facing a mortgage foreclosure stated, I used a home based business as the tool to be able to stay in my home. within a month of joining I had the security that I wouldn't be leaving my home and now had a way never to feel the crunch of the economy. what my job, of eight years, couldn't do my home based business accomplished in one month. Why wasn't their more media on this.
There is online sales are on the increase even though our economy hurts. That is the first clue. Bring it online and the economy situation, naturally does a shift.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Passport To Wealth Mentors 4 U Make Sure That Your Marketing is Working For You!
So what is the most important factor when working a business like Passport To Wealth or My Internet Business. What is it that you need to do to start regularly bringing in sales? You need to market the right way. I don't mean marketing by paying a company to do it. While their is proven companies that will effectively allow you to earn money online, you can spend a lot of money finding the right marketing firm to help you. So for Passport To Wealth and My Internet Business members we have proven marketing strategies to help them to make money online. However, that shouldn't replace what members should be learning to start making even more money online.
The successful Internet Business Builders on the Internet - How do they do it
Have you ever wondered how the big dogs are making their living with an Internet Business? I can tell you they own more of the Internet. They have content all over the Internet that falls to their website. That content becomes viral and takes over even more of the Internet. What you as an entrepreneur needs to do is copy their strategies. Almost like tucking in their back pocket and learning from what is working for them.
If you go to Alexa.com and you see the highest traffic sites then you can learn how they got all that traffic. While Alexia will give you this information for an excess of 5,000.00 its not necessary to pay that. You can learn how to tackle the big dogs with simple and effective strategies. If you learn these strategies then its not a matter of will you be successful, but how big can you get. And with Internet Business and the right mentoring and training you can explode and online business.
So as Passport To Wealth is expected to grow at a fast rate, Mentors 4 U is going to teach them how to use the highest demand system to start profiting. You have to get educated on what will make you the most money. That's what Mentors 4 U is doing. We have seen so many times where entrepreneurs have bought Passport To Wealth once with no results then join Mentors 4 U and learn the strategies to be successful and start earning daily commissions. So its never the business that is bad, but it boils down to whether you were trained the right way. Bottom line training = sales. Learn that and you will forever have a successful business.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Passport To Wealth Get Ready for Web 2.0
The Internet is becoming a more widely used tool to help people to earn money online. We are now training people how to use the most advanced free online marketing strategies to profit. If you are going to generate an income online using the web 2.0 strategies then you have to consider Web 2.0. And Darren Gaudry understands the importance that web 2.0 is going to have on marketers.
So as the months go on Passport To Wealth and Darren Gaudry are working diligently on bringing web 2.0 to each member. The newest online business model is going to mainstream each of the web 2.0 techniques for members to utilize. Giving them a more universal free marketing solution.
Web 2.0 is already being used by many companies to assist their members. My Internet Business already interfaces the techniques to members. But with Passport To Wealth latest techniques we look forward to it helping our members in that area as well.
So as a new face comes to Passport To Wealth Mentors 4 U is offering a new face of training as well. Recognized as the top mentoring team of 2007 they are revamping their trainings, seminars , and one on one to accommodate the members. We plan to make sure that our members stay at the top as we have done in the past, we are going to offer this new face with our training.
Learn about the special promo being offered by Mentors 4 U.
Contact Megan Vaillancourt the founder and creator of the most recognized Mentoring team for getting results.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Passport To Wealth Top Mentors Bring Explosive Call Broadcasting System To Members

We have seen the success that Passport To Wealth has brought to hundreds of our members. Our mentoring has brought many people from novices to the highest paid Internet Marketers within Passport To Wealth. We have taught our members how to generate the most high quality targeted leads for free, using the most advanced methods. One our first lessons in our online business coaching classes is the interaction with the customer. Its important not to see the client as dollar signs, but rather as a real person. Pressure and hype is not something that we at Mentors 4 U condone. We know this online business world can bring lucrative and life altering changes to anybody's life. But every person is different and not everybody is right for an Internet Business. So after months of testing I Buzz Pros Call Broadcasting System we have seen an incredible sales ratio increase for our members.
Not everyone can get on a phone and call people who visit their website. Over 65% of people hate the phone. However, I believe it is an important aspect to building a business. It honestly can make a difference between a few thousand per month and six figures per month. Now no one has to spend hours on the phone. We have come up with a system that calls all your targeted prospects and has them calling you. Over testing people with no skills, using this call broadcasting system made over 10,000.00 in the first eight weeks of business. Its optional for our Passport To Wealth and our My Internet Business owners. However due to the fact that it has been proven to increase their sales and start to allow a profit within the first 7 days we are highly suggesting using the new system
We very seldom tell our Passport To Wealth or My Internet Business members to use a system unless it is proving to work. Its not a matter of can people use it but that it is working for everyone's The beauty is we have professionals that will leave the broadcast message for you and our members simply have to allow it to work. Its becoming such a win situation. Honestly when the system was presented to me I was skeptical about quality. But we owe it to our members to test it out. I guess you can say it was the biggest proof to test it before making any generic claims
Along with our top training and networking from Mentors 4 U we will be extending our training to assist our members with I buzz Pro as well. We will keep you updated on how well this call broadcasting system is working for our members in the days to come
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Free online Marketing Strategeis Passport To wealth Members Reveal the Shocking Truth.
these unbelieving business builders continue to buy leads, PPC, and pay high dollar marketing companies. I will use the free online marketing strategies to help my Passport To Wealth and My Internet Business to large profits.
So what is the truth? The truth is free online marketing strategies are some of the most effective forms of advertising you can find. Let just focus on one of the free online marketing strategies that I train my Mentors 4 U members on. Search Engine optimization... that's right SEO.
This form of marketing has been responsible in assisting me in earning thousands per week. Guess what it cost me...that's right 0.00. Did I buy leads? NOPE Did I pay a marketing companies ..NOPE Did I threaten the CEO of Google..NOPE.
So what did I do to allow my Passport To wealth business grow, and how am I leading my Mentors 4 U team to do the same? Its called free online marketing strategies that many
entrepreneurs honestly do not know about.
Lets take a minute and think about it. Shouldn't you be learning what the lead companies are doing. Why is it they are pumping out so many numbers,when they have to accommodate so many clients? Do you believe they are truly targeting your audience. No of course not.
Think about your Internet business. What type of customers does your business attract? A complete profile should be completed.
That is your target audience and that is how the Passport To wealth Mentors will teach you to market. When you go toward your target audience the selling it is easier. Their is no convenience this audience is sold.
Ever wonder how the top earners of Internet business do it. That's exactly what our Passport To Wealth Mentors is teaching. What I will tell you is they are certainly not buying leads.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Passport To Wealth 2.0 And Mentors 4 U Revamp With Stunning Profits
Passport To Wealth top Mentoring team Mentors 4 U is completing a stunning new online marketing strategy that has increased members profits by a stunning 85%. I am not talking about some lead list or magic marketing company. Anyone that follows Passport To Wealth Mentors realize we do not believe in buying leads. However Megan Vaillancourt the founder and creator of Mentors 4 U, has been working on a new free online marketing strategy that has increased profits of members by 85% compared to just two months ago.
That's what this blog is going to be about. It is to inform and educate Internet Business builders on free online marketing strategies. Mentors 4 U was formulated and designed to assist our Passport To Wealth and My Internet Business members on how to utilize the internet to make money without buying leads. I hate to see new entrepreneurs that are told they can make wealth by buying leads. While I don't disagree that some leads are valid and can assist you in building an Internet Business. It will never make the executive style income that many of us joined for.
In my years of experience I have fallen for all the buying leads line. But through testing and seminars, and education classes I learned the most effective form of building a business is through generating your own leads. When you generate you own lead sources you will discover that a long term income is a more beneficial choice. So in the course of this blog I will be sharing some of our online marketing strategies. Ranging from web 2.0, social media, search engine optimization, link building, partnering links, and JV marketing. Just a few strategies that our Mentors 4 u members of Passport To Wealth and My Internet Business members have the benefit of learning through a private back office with video tutorials taking them step by step through the process. Also live trainings every week to insure there online marketing strategies are profiting, and our one on one mentoring.
However the virtual and one on one effect may not be as beneficial through this blog, I want it to be a resource for not just our Passport To Wealth and My Internet Business Members but all network marketers. Making money with an Internet Business is all about the marketing. Its not about buying leads, rather starting to learn how to generate your own leads which will be more profitable for business builders.
I look forward to meeting and connecting with new business builders as the days continue. We all came to the online business to make money, however its not just about how much money you make but how many people you help along the way. That why I founded Mentors 4 U and have been thrilled that the education that we have offered has helped countless people make life altering incomes all while working from home.
THIS MONTH ONLY = Megan Vaillancourt a top network marketer will be offering a free business consultation for Internet business Builders - To apply send an email REQUESTED BUSINESS CONSULTATION FOR FREE. And provide me with the reasons you want the consultation your current business if you have one, and what you are using for marketing.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Passport To Wealth 2.0 - Founders of Top Mentoring Are Revamping
Passport To Wealth has been the top choice for a home based business, due to its self explanatory video automated presentation. The new updated system promises to offer even more advanced automated system for an Internet Business. New Products and service sare going to be added to the already largest software library on the Internet.
The top Mentoring Team Mentors 4 U is going to be offering new advanced trainings that have not been offered before. What you have to know in order to succeed with an online business is how to market. Our new interactive back office walks member through not only the set up process in easy steps it also has three sections to assist members in building an Online business.
Members will have access to all of the free online marketing strategies that will have their Passport To Wealth business profitting. Members will receive the back office valued at over 1500.00, and a free capture page, a interactive website, and live webinar trainings. But the most exclusive aspect that Passport To Wealth will bring it members is it one on one training. The one on one training is something no new business owner should miss out on. Even with the most advanced training and coaching tools and resources Mentors 4 U offers, it must not replace the one on one mentoring.
Megan Vaillancourt and Stephanie Sammour Founded Mentors 4 U in January of 2007. Since then they have received media recognization and top mentoring for member in Passport To Wealth and My Internet business.